Welcome to the centre

The Campbelltown Community Children’s Centre is an integrated early learning service. We are a Community – Based Childcare Centre with a DECD Preschool on site. We are proud to offer parents a wide and unique range of services.

The Centre offers a stable, caring environment, staffed by experienced bilingual educators. We welcome families, staff and students from various cultural backgrounds and offer an inclusive environment to meet the needs of a wide variety of families and children with additional needs. Parents and extended families are encouraged to participate in Centre activities and are welcome at the Centre at all times.

The Centre is a not-for profit Centre, which is managed by parents who form a Management Committee. The Centre offers both childcare and preschool services to the community.

Hours of operation

7:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Friday
50 weeks of the year

Book a tour to visit the centre and discuss your child’s enrolment needs.

Cebtre Logo

163a Montacute Road, Newton
South Australia. 5074
Phone: (08) 8336 2100
Fax: (08) 8336 9256
Email: admin@campbelltownccc.com.au

Inclusion Award
Little Scientist House Certified - Campbelltown Community Children's Centre